A young woman is suddenly transported to a dreamlike, battle-torn island where she must learn the art of survival from...
A young woman is suddenly transported to a dreamlike, battle-torn island where she must learn the art of survival from an accompanying sisterhood in this fantasy thriller starring Grace Van Patten (Under the Silver Lake), Mia Goth (Suspiria), Soko (Little Fish) and Juliette Lewis (Cape Fear).
An unusual storm is approaching, and it’s about to change everything for Ana (Patten). After a short circuit at her workplace mysteriously transports her to an alternate world, she meets a crew of female soldiers caught in an endless war. Along a strange and rugged coastline, men face the stark truth lurking behind damsels who appear to be in distress. Under the leadership of Marsha (Goth), Ana trains as a sharpshooter and discovers a newfound freedom in this uninhibited sisterhood. She soon senses she may not be the ruthless killer they expect, though, and time is running out for her to find a path home.
Nominated for the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance 2021.
Where to watch Mayday
Mayday | Details
- Runtime
- 100
- Genre
- Action, Fantasy, Thriller
- Country of origin