"The movie follows three private detectives in Madrid employed by the same agency, who, in the course of doing...
"The movie follows three private detectives in Madrid employed by the same agency, who, in the course of doing their jobs, discover more about their own lives than those of the people who have engaged their services... The 'spies' of Mataharis aren't seductresses - at least, not obviously so. But each is beautiful and alluring in a way that's strongly individual... As we watch these women watching the men around them, their absorption in the act of looking is so visceral, we can practically hear their pulses... Mataharis explores the consequences of really seeing, and the necessity of believing what you're seeing - as opposed to seeing only what you want to believe." — Stephanie Zacharek, FIPRESCI
Mataharis | Details
- Award winner
- San Francisco 2008 | San Sebastián, London 2007
- Runtime
- 95
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin
- Spain