Altman's Oscar-winning black comedy set during the Korean War, with Donald Sutherland, Elliott Gould, Tom Skerritt, Sally Kellerman and Robert...
Altman's Oscar-winning black comedy set during the Korean War, with Donald Sutherland, Elliott Gould, Tom Skerritt, Sally Kellerman and Robert Duvall. The movie sparked a television series that lasted longer than the war itself.
Personnel at the 4077 MASH unit are introduced to newly-arrived surgeons: Captains ‘Hawkeye’ Pierce (Sutherland), ‘Duke’ Forrest (Skerritt) and ‘Trapper’ John (Gould). Hawkeye and Trapper have met before, but Hawkeye cannot recall and Trapper won’t disclose it. The newbies’ unconventional behaviour is deemed ‘unmilitary’, but they’re willing to make their mark on the base through football bets, golfing skills and determining whether or not the head blonde is a natural blonde.
Fact time! Altman earned $US 75,000 for directing the movie. His son Mike, who wrote the lyrics to the theme song which played in the subsequent television series, made $US 2,000,000 from song royalties.
Where to watch MASH
MASH | Details
- Award winner
- Best Adapted Screenplay, Academy Awards 1971
- Runtime
- 116
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama, War
- Country of origin