Loosely adapting Jack London's 1909 novel of the same name, this Italian-French historical romance drama following a love-struck sailor who...
Loosely adapting Jack London's 1909 novel of the same name, this Italian-French historical romance drama following a love-struck sailor who pursues his dreams of becoming a writer. The journey he paves, however, puts him at odds with his new love.
"Initially a sailor, Martin Eden is inspired to educate, elevate, and remake himself as a writer following a chance encounter and romantic infatuation with the sophisticated, higher-class Elena (a luminous Jessica Cressy). As Martin develops and intensely pursues his new-found obsessions, both literary and social, he betrays those around him, denies his class consciousness, and rejects his humble origins, which gnaw at him from within." (Toronto International Film Festival)
Where to watch Martin Eden
Martin Eden | Details
- Runtime
- 129
- Genre
- Drama, Romance
- Country of origin
- Italy, France, Germany