Moody mystery set in the Spanish Deep South, 1980. Two detectives, ideologically miles apart, investigate the brutal murder of two...
Moody mystery set in the Spanish Deep South, 1980. Two detectives, ideologically miles apart, investigate the brutal murder of two young woman in a forgotten rural town. Winner of 10 Goya Awards (Spanish Oscars), including Best Film, Director, Actor, Actress and Screenplay.
"Alberto Rodríguez (Grupo 7) returns to film noir with this thriller... Two cops, ideologically miles apart, are reprimanded and sent as punishment to a remote town in the swamps to investigate the disappearance of two teenagers. There they will measure their wits against a savage killer in a community anchored to the past." (San Sebastian Film Festival)
Where to watch Marshland
Marshland | Details
- Runtime
- 105
- Genre
- Drama, Thriller
- Country of origin
- Spain