Drama about a high-school student in New York who inadvertently plays a role in a traffic accident that claims a...
Drama about a high-school student in New York who inadvertently plays a role in a traffic accident that claims a woman's life. Stars Anna Paquin, Matt Damon, Mark Ruffalo and Mathew Broderick.
Certain she is responsible, 17-year-old Lisa (Paquin) attempts to set things right but her life spins out of control, as she is confronted with a basic truth: that her youthful ideals are on a collision course against the realities and compromises of the adult world.
Margaret, written and directed by Kenneth Lonergan (the playwright's second film after 2000's excellent You Can Count on Me), has had a controversial path to release. Shot in 2005, Lonergan has delayed the film's release since, reportedly grappling with the final cut for over five years. Two lawsuits resulted between the director, producer and studio Fox Searchlight.