The true, rags-to-riches story of Chinese ballet dancer Li Cunxin - from rural China to ballet stardom as one...
The true, rags-to-riches story of Chinese ballet dancer Li Cunxin - from rural China to ballet stardom as one of the world's greatest dancers.
In 1972, the 11-year-old Li (Huang Wenbin), living with his family of six siblings in eastern China, is selected as a student with promise by representatives of Madame Mao's Beijing Dance Academy. He attends their harsh and unforgiving school and becomes one of its star pupils. In '81, Li (now played by Chi Cao) is chosen to travel to the United States as part of a student exchange with the Houston Ballet Company. There he becomes a star when given a key role in a televised production of Die Fledermaus. Loving life in his new home, Li falls for fellow dancer, Elizabeth (Amanda Schull), and makes the decision to leave his old life behind and pursue a life of personal and creative freedom in America.
Mao's Last Dancer | Details
- Runtime
- 117
- Genre
- Drama, True Story & Biography
- Country of origin
- Australia