Arnold Schwarzenegger leads this zombie drama as a loving father placed in an agonising situation – to stay by his...
Arnold Schwarzenegger leads this zombie drama as a loving father placed in an agonising situation – to stay by his infested daughter’s side as she slowly turns. Co-led by Abigail Breslin, the Academy Award-nominated star of 2006's Little Miss Sunshine.
"Fear, panic, and paranoia pit neighbor against neighbor. Families are ripped apart as loved ones are forced into quarantine. Authorities attempt to maintain control over communities teaming with violence. But with droves of new victims each day, it’s a losing battle for those citizens uninfected by the zombie outbreak... Set on a picturesque farm in the Midwest, Maggie is a moving and visually stunning film that takes a quietly observant yet thrilling approach to the zombie genre." (Tribeca Film Festival)
Where to watch Maggie
Maggie | Details
- Rating
- 15, strong threat, bloody images
- Runtime
- 95
- Genre
- Horror, Thriller
- Country of origin
- USA, Switzerland