The late, great Harry Dean Stanton leads this small-town tale as a 90-year-old atheist placed on a journey to find...
The late, great Harry Dean Stanton leads this small-town tale as a 90-year-old atheist placed on a journey to find some acceptable meaning to his life.
Despite his smoking habit, Lucky (Stanton) has outlived all his friends. When he experiences a sudden fall, a medical reassessment reveals that his health is finally on the decline. With that grim guarantee in place, the old US Navy vet puts his foot on the path to finding his own kind of existential enlightenment.
This is the directorial feature debut of John Carroll Lynch, perhaps best known for his supporting role in 2007's Zodiac.
Where to watch Lucky (2017)
Lucky (2017) | Details
- Runtime
- 88
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin