Pixar's coming-of-age adventure follows two boys and their newfound friendship during one summer in a beautiful seaside town on the...
Pixar's coming-of-age adventure follows two boys and their newfound friendship during one summer in a beautiful seaside town on the Italian Riviera. They're also sea monsters, disguised as humans among the villagers who hunt and fear their kind. The feature debut from Enrico Casarosa, writer-director of Oscar-nominated Pixar short La Luna, who had this to say about Luca: "This is a deeply personal story for me, not only because it’s set on the Italian Riviera where I grew up, but because at the core of this film is a celebration of friendship."
Where to watch Luca (2021)
Luca (2021) | Details
- Runtime
- 95
- Genre
- Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Kids & Family