Brit comedy-drama from veteran filmmaker Ken Loach (The Wind That Shakes The Barley, The Navigators). Nominated for the Golden Palm...
Brit comedy-drama from veteran filmmaker Ken Loach (The Wind That Shakes The Barley, The Navigators). Nominated for the Golden Palm at Cannes 2009.
Eric (Steve Evets) the postman is in a slump. His wife has gone, his stepsons are out of control and the house was chaotic even before a cement mixer appeared in the front garden. Life is crazy enough, but it is Eric's own secret that is driving him to the brink. How can he face up to Lily (Stephanie Bishop), the woman of his dreams that he once loved and walked out on many years ago? Despite the misplaced goodwill of his mates, Eric continues to sink. In desperate times it takes a spliff and a special friend to help a lost postman find his way, so Eric turns to his hero: footballing genius, philosopher and poster boy, Eric Cantona.
Where to watch Looking for Eric
Looking for Eric | Details
- Runtime
- 116
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama, Sport
- Country of origin
- UK, Italy, Belgium, Spain, France