Kristen Stewart and Oscar nominee Chloë Sevigny star in this Sundance Grand Jury Prize-nominated psychological thriller based on the 1892...
Kristen Stewart and Oscar nominee Chloë Sevigny star in this Sundance Grand Jury Prize-nominated psychological thriller based on the 1892 murders of the Borden family.
"1892: Headstrong Lizzie Borden lives with her wealthy father, stepmother, and sister in Fall River, Massachusetts. Lizzie lovingly tends to her pet pigeons and is occasionally allowed out of her dimly lit, foreboding house, but otherwise lives under strict rules set by her domineering father. When her family hires live-in maid Bridget, an uneducated Irish immigrant, the two find kindred spirits in one another. Their friendship begins with covert communication and companionship that blossoms into an intimate relationship. Meanwhile, tension builds in the Borden household, and Lizzie’s claustrophobic existence becomes increasingly more oppressive and abusive, leading to its inevitable breaking point." (Sundance Film Festival)
Where to watch Lizzie
Lizzie | Details
- Rating
- 15, strong violence, bloody injury detail, infrequent very strong language
- Runtime
- 106
- Genre
- Thriller, True Story & Biography
- Country of origin