Melissa McCarthy enrolls as an adult student at her daughter's university in this comedy by McCarthy and Ben Falcone (The...
Melissa McCarthy enrolls as an adult student at her daughter's university in this comedy by McCarthy and Ben Falcone (The Boss, Tammy).
When her husband suddenly dumps her, dedicated housewife Deanna (McCarthy) heads back to college - landing in the same class as her daughter, who's not entirely sold on the idea. Plunging headlong into the campus experience, the increasingly outspoken Deanna - now Dee Rock - embraces freedom, fun, and frat boys on her own terms, finding her true self in a senior year no one ever expected.
Where to watch Life of the Party
Life of the Party | Details
- Rating
- 12A, moderate sex references, drug misuse, language, comic violence
- Runtime
- 105
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin