30-minute documentary celebration of New Zealand icon Len Lye, showcasing his visionary work in film and sculpture, his monumental ambitions...
30-minute documentary celebration of New Zealand icon Len Lye, showcasing his visionary work in film and sculpture, his monumental ambitions for his work beyond his own life and his legacy in the Len Lye Centre.
Produced by the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery and Belmont Productions, Master of Motion celebrates the life and work of Len Lye and his longstanding relationship with Aotearoa, Taranaki and the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery. Alongside vintage footage of the artist and interviews with experts in hi art, Master of Motion includes a wealth of recently uncovered archival materials telling the Len Lye’s story in his own voice.
Len Lye: Master of Motion | Details
- Runtime
- 30
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- New Zealand