Drama from writer/director Jason Reitman (Up in the Air). An agoraphobic single mum (Kate Winslet) shelters an escaped convict (Josh...
Drama from writer/director Jason Reitman (Up in the Air). An agoraphobic single mum (Kate Winslet) shelters an escaped convict (Josh Brolin) and slowly falls for him over the course of one very eventful Labor Day weekend. Adapted from the novel by Joyce Maynard.
While shopping with his mother Adele (Winslet), 13-year-old Henry encounters a bloody, dishevelled man (Brolin) who makes them take him back to their rural home. He turns out to be Frank Chambers, a convict who has escaped from jail and is doing his best to also move on from a tragic past. Despite their relationship's unorthodox beginnings, while this fugitive hides out at Adele's home the pair fall in love and begin making plans to leave the country - but the attentions of neighbours and local police may make this more difficult than hoped.
Where to watch Labor Day
Labor Day | Details
- Runtime
- 111
- Genre
- Drama, Romance
- Country of origin