Mariano Llinás's narrative epic spans international espionage, torch song melodrama and supernatural horror. At 14 hours, it screens in three...
Mariano Llinás's narrative epic spans international espionage, torch song melodrama and supernatural horror. At 14 hours, it screens in three parts.
"Episode IV: In La Flor’s most self-reflexive chapter, an auteur prolongs work on his never-ending film production to photograph trees and revise his script. The four fed-up actresses, who may or may not be witches, invite the suspicions of a paranormal investigator after the film’s crew go missing.
"Episode V: A near silent, black-and-white dalliance between two city women and two country boys. Based loosely on Jean Renoir’s lovely, lyrical – and famously unfinished – A Day in the Country.
"Episode VI: Shot through a turn-of-the-century haze, four women wander a barren landscape as intertitles, excerpted from a 1900 account of an Englishwoman’s escape from Native Americans, bring La Flor to a close." (New Zealand International Film Festival)
La Flor: Part III | Details
- Runtime
- 350
- Genre
- Drama, Fantasy, Musical
- Country of origin
- Argentina