Kingsman: The Secret Service

128 mins
Poster for Kingsman: The Secret Service

X-Men: First Class and Kick-Ass director Matthew Vaughn brings another comic book to the big screen with this comedy spy tale. Eggsy (Taron Edgerton)... More

Where to watch Kingsman: The Secret Service

Kingsman: The Secret Service is available to stream in the... More United Kingdom now on Netflix and Disney+ and Apple TV Store and Google TV and YouTube and Microsoft.

There is no screening information for this title.

Kingsman: The Secret Service | Ratings & Reviews

    "The most fun I’ve had at a movie for a while, Kingsman: The Secret Service is an utterly outrageous, logic-defying, live-action cartoon of a film, a riotous romp that boasts a strong enough sense of unpredictability to smooth over its uneven moments and effects. It’s a shame that more kids won’t get to see this due to Kingsman’s classification, but that’s a back-handed compliment given that the film’s most brazenly offensive content is what’ll win over youngsters."

    Flicks, Steve NewallFlicks

    "Vaughn welcomes details that might seem silly in another director’s hands, such as a bulletproof umbrella or tiny microchips that can make one’s head explode..."


    "Injecting fun and fairground thrills back into the spy movie, Kingsman is a blast. Firth is sensational, Jackson rules and newcomer Egerton surprises."

    Total FilmTotal Film

    "Hyperspeed action, pithy one-liners and grotesque ultraviolence."

    Time OutTime Out

    "Verisimilitude is frequently traded in for a rich laugh. The action scenes delight with shock humour."

    The GuardianThe Guardian

    "Admittedly, the film has a thorough knowledge of its forebears and though it namechecks them at every opportunity, Kingsman brings very little that's new or valuable to the playing table."


    "Director Matthew Vaughn strikes an energetic balance between cartoonish action and character-driven drama..."

    Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

    "With contempo audience's infatuation with all things superheroes and comic book movies, and the baseline treatment of humanity in such movies, Kingsman arrives at just the right time."


    "Perhaps the riskiest mainstream movie in years, Vaughn’s love letter to spy movies may be uneven in places, but it’s ultra-violent, envelope-pushing, and fun enough to overcome the flaws."

    Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

    Kingsman: The Secret Service | Details

    Action, Comedy, Thriller
    Country of origin
    USA, UK

    Kingsman: The Secret Service | Trailers