Documentary on legendary '90s New Zealand rock band King Loser, a biographical look at their career with a narrative revolving...
Documentary on legendary '90s New Zealand rock band King Loser, a biographical look at their career with a narrative revolving around their farewell tour.
"Driven by the 'C&C Music Factory'— Chris Heazlewood and Celia Mancini—King Loser blended surf, lounge, psych and noise into a singular, swampy sound. A cyclone of chutzpah, cigarettes and impeccable fashion sense, the larger-than-life Mancini epitomised a notorious band that collapsed too soon but left a mark on all who encountered them—either at their transcendent best or catastrophic worst.
"Perhaps the biggest surprise of King Loser is its universality. Rich archive poignantly contrasts the youthful rock and roll dream with the middle-age reality of the struggling musician, while present-day interviews acknowledge the cumulative challenges of addiction, physical and mental health issues, poverty and homelessness." (New Zealand International Film Festival)
King Loser | Details
- Runtime
- 90
- Genre
- Documentary, Music
- Country of origin
- New Zealand