A group of young men return to their hometown for their mate Sid’s final summer in this British tale of...
A group of young men return to their hometown for their mate Sid’s final summer in this British tale of friendship based on true events.
Facing mortality, Sid (George Somner, Sex Education) wants to create a legacy and be remembered forever. With his obsession for astronomy and the atmosphere, he comes up with a plan to bring everyone together and make this summer unforgettable. He gives each boy a category – love, home, friends, family and location – and asks them to find an item that connects them all with the word they’ve been given. Also starring Conrad Khan (County Lines), Wilson Mbomio (The Witcher) and Mia McKenna-Bruce (Persuasion).
Where to watch Kindling
Kindling | Details
- Rating
- 12A, drug misuse, upsetting scenes
- Runtime
- 83
- Genre
- Drama, Romance
- Country of origin
- UK