Animated medieval adventure featuring the voice of Antonio Banderas, about a boy's journey to adulthood as he seeks to become...
Animated medieval adventure featuring the voice of Antonio Banderas, about a boy's journey to adulthood as he seeks to become one of the prestigious Knights of Valour. Co-stars Saoirse Ronan, Rupert Everett, Freddie Highmore, Julie Walters, Alfred Molina and Little Britain’s David Walliams.
Justin (Highmore) lives in a time when bureaucrats rule and knights have been ousted. While his father (Molina) wants him to follow in his footsteps and become a lawyer, Justin defies the family and embarks on a quest to become a hero. Along the way he meets the beautiful, feisty Talia (Ronan), a wizard (Walliams), the handsome Sir Corlex (Banderas) and three monks who teach and test him in the ancient ways of the Knighthood. Justin must rise to the challenge quickly when banished former knight Sir Heraclio (Mark Strong) and his army return to destroy the kingdom.
Where to watch Justin and the Knights of Valour
Justin and the Knights of Valour | Details
- Runtime
- 90
- Genre
- Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Kids & Family
- Country of origin
- Spain