Australian crime drama based on the non-fiction book by Helen Garner, featuring ex-Neighbours star Maggie Naouri as victim Joe Cinque's...
Australian crime drama based on the non-fiction book by Helen Garner, featuring ex-Neighbours star Maggie Naouri as victim Joe Cinque's unstable, murderous girlfriend.
"It begins as a love story. In 1994, Anu Singh (Naouri), a beautiful and charismatic law student in Canberra, meets fellow student Joe Cinque (Jerome Meyer) and they quickly fall for each other. Theirs is a complex relationship. Anu is driven by ambition but racked with insecurities, and while Joe's gentle and easygoing nature offers her comfort, it also feeds the fires of her neuroses. As her mental state deteriorates, she formulates a malevolent plan to commit suicide and harm Joe. She finds support for this plan in Madhavi (Sacha Joseph), a shy young woman enthralled by Anu and her intricate web of personal problems." (Toronto International Film Festival)
Where to watch Joe Cinque's Consolation
Joe Cinque's Consolation | Details
- Runtime
- 102
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- Australia