The third film from Quentin Tarantino, based on the crime novel Rum Punch by Leonard Elmore. Tarantino moves the action...
The third film from Quentin Tarantino, based on the crime novel Rum Punch by Leonard Elmore. Tarantino moves the action from Florida to Los Angeles, where flight attendant Jackie (Pam Grier) gets caught smuggling cash into the country for her gunrunner boss (Samuel L. Jackson). When the cops (including Michael Keaton) try to use Jackie to get to her boss, she hatches a plan - with help from a bail bondsman (Robert Forster) - to keep the money for herself.
Where to watch Jackie Brown
Jackie Brown | Details
- Award winner
- Silver Berlin Bear, Best Actor (Jackson) at Berlin Film Festival 1998
- Runtime
- 154
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin