Nominated for Best Documentary Feature at Tribeca, Gabrielle Brady's feature debut explores the migration of millions of crabs across Christmas...
Nominated for Best Documentary Feature at Tribeca, Gabrielle Brady's feature debut explores the migration of millions of crabs across Christmas Island.
"On a small island in the Indian Ocean, one of the planet’s largest land migrations takes place. Forty million crabs make their way through dense jungle to the rugged coast and, finally, to sea. But Christmas Island’s sublime beauty hides another, darker presence: The Australian government runs a high-security detention facility deep within the island’s jungles, where asylum-seekers wait indefinitely to hear whether they can continue on to Australia. Meanwhile, local islanders carry out “hungry ghost” rituals for the spirits of those who died on the island without receiving a proper burial." (Tribeca Film Festival)
Where to watch Island of the Hungry Ghosts
Island of the Hungry Ghosts | Details
- Runtime
- 98
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- Germany, UK, Australia