A middle-aged South Korean actor finds herself back in Seoul after years in America, struggling to re-connect with her homeland...
A middle-aged South Korean actor finds herself back in Seoul after years in America, struggling to re-connect with her homeland and her sister.
She has never lived in a high-rise apartment, and she wonders how her sister can live at this height every day. a few days ago she kind of burst in to stay with her sister, and she is now becoming re-accustomed to life in Korea. while seeming to keep a grave secret to herself, she manages life one day at a time with a sense of mindfulness.
Meanwhile, a certain director, some years younger than her, has asked her to join his project, and after a polite refusal, they have agreed to meet for the first time today. Downtown Seoul is filled with narrow alleys that harbour tiny old bars, and that's where they meet. As they get drunk, there is sudden rainfall and thunder.