Blue Sky Animation's first Ice Age entry, a box office hit and the start of a family film franchise. Set...
Blue Sky Animation's first Ice Age entry, a box office hit and the start of a family film franchise. Set during wintry prehistoric times, a sloth (voiced by John Leguizamo), a woolly mammoth (Ray Romano) and a sabertooth tiger (Goran Visnjic) find a lost human infant, and attempt to return him to his tribe.
As the cold weather approaches, all the animals head south to find warmer lands. Left behind by his family, a clumsy sloth named Sid decides to follow a prickly woolly mammoth north instead. After the pair discover a human baby, they decide to find the baby's tribe and return him, encountering wild and wonderful creatures on they way. They're joined by a devious saber-toothed tiger named Diego, who pretends to help care for the child but is plotting to take it back to his pack.