Shot over five years and compiled from 250 hours of footage, this Sundance-winning documentary follows two high-school students from Chicago...
Shot over five years and compiled from 250 hours of footage, this Sundance-winning documentary follows two high-school students from Chicago and their dream to become professional basketball players.
William Gates and Arthur Agee are two African-American teenagers recruited by a scout from St. Joseph High School in Westchester, Illinois, a predominantly white high school and whose alumni include NBA great Isiah Thomas. Agee and Gates are both from poor neighbourhoods. Taking 90-minute commutes to school, enduring long and difficult workouts and practices, and having to acclimatise to a foreign social environment, Gates and Agee struggle to improve their athletic skills in a hugely competitive job market.
Where to watch Hoop Dreams
Hoop Dreams | Details
- Award winner
- Audience Award winner (Documentary), Sundance Film Festival 1994
- Runtime
- 170
- Genre
- Documentary, Sport
- Country of origin