Studio Ghibli's animated tragedy – regarded as writer-director Isao Takahata’s masterpiece – set in World War II Japan where a...
Studio Ghibli's animated tragedy – regarded as writer-director Isao Takahata’s masterpiece – set in World War II Japan where a young teen and his little sister are left to wander their battle-torn town after the death of their mother. Having tangled with their uncompassionate aunt and still awaiting news on their soldier father, the siblings can only rely on each other to survive.
Roger Ebert praised Grave of the Fireflies massively, calling it "an emotional experience so powerful that it forces a rethinking of animation." Ernest Rister was equally impressed, saying the film "is to animation what Schindler's List was to Spielberg – both a long overdue display of artistic maturity and a bold statement of ability."
Where to watch Grave of the Fireflies
Grave of the Fireflies | Details
- Runtime
- 90
- Genre
- Drama, War
- Country of origin
- Japan