Academy Award winner Halle Berry leads this 2003 thriller mystery as a criminal psychologist who inexplicably becomes a patient in...
Academy Award winner Halle Berry leads this 2003 thriller mystery as a criminal psychologist who inexplicably becomes a patient in her own mental institution after a car accident. Co-stars Oscar nominee Robert Downey Jr and Oscar winner Penélope Cruz.
After a car crash, a criminal psychologist regains consciousness only to find that she's a patient in the same mental institution that currently employs her. It seems she's been accused of murdering her husband—but she has no memory of committing the crime. As she tries to regain her memory and convince her co-workers of her innocence, a vengeful spirit uses her as an earthly pawn, which further convinces everyone of her guilt.
Where to watch Gothika
Gothika | Details
- Runtime
- 98
- Genre
- Horror, Thriller
- Country of origin
- USA, France, Canada, Spain