Gone Girl

149 mins
Poster for Gone Girl

Director David Fincher (The Social Network) adapts Gillian Flynn's bestselling mystery about the disappearance of Amy Dunne (Rosamund Pike) on... More

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Gone Girl | Ratings & Reviews

"Surgically precise, grimly funny and entirely mesmerizing over the course of its swift 149-minute running time, this taut yet expansive psychological thriller represents an exceptional pairing of filmmaker and material."


"Doesn’t have the heft of Zodiac or the verve of Se7en but Gone Girl is a masterful adaptation and a superior crime-thriller. As for Fincher changing the ending… See for yourself."

Total FilmTotal Film

"It's a hypnotically perverse film, one that redeems your faith in studio smarts (but not, alas, in local law enforcement, tabloid crime reporting or, indeed, marriage)."

Time OutTime Out

"Dread descends like winter shadows, darkening the movie's tone and visuals until it's snuffed out all the light, air and nuance."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"Gone Girl, finally, may be no more than a storm in a teacup. But what an elegant, bone-china teacup this is. And what a fearsome force-10 gale we have brewing inside."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"Floating through the narrative like a ghost, [Pike] embodies the aloofness that is both the film's strength and its weakness."

Sydney Morning HeraldSydney Morning Herald

"A sharply made, perfectly cast and unfailingly absorbing melodrama. But, like the director's adaptation of another publishing phenomenon, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, three years ago, it leaves you with a quietly lingering feeling of: “Is that all there is?”"

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"Stylish, twisted and daring, Gone Girl is a David Fincher date movie: dark, smart and dangerous. If it doesn’t deliver in its finale, its twist, turns and commitment to moral repugnance will leave you reeling."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

Gone Girl | Details

Drama, Thriller
Country of origin