Golmaal Returns, sequel to Golmaal, follows Gopal (Devgan), who lives with his wife Ekta (Kapoor), sister Esha (Arora) and...
Golmaal Returns, sequel to Golmaal, follows Gopal (Devgan), who lives with his wife Ekta (Kapoor), sister Esha (Arora) and dumb brother-in-law Lucky (Kapoor). After saving an attractive lady from some goons, Gopal is stuck spending the night with her. When he returns home the next day, his suspicious wife thinks something dodgy has been going on. So begins Gomal's string of chaotic situations as he bends the truth and concocts lies to quell her suspicions. Needless to say, he ends up in a lot of trouble... but that's Gopal for you!
Where to watch Golmaal Returns
Golmaal Returns | Details
- Runtime
- 142
- Genre
- Bollywood & Indian Cinema
- Country of origin
- India