Winner of nine Academy Awards – including Best Picture, Director and Adapted Screenplay – this MGM romantic comedy musical follows...
Winner of nine Academy Awards – including Best Picture, Director and Adapted Screenplay – this MGM romantic comedy musical follows the friendship between a rich playboy (Maurice Chevalier) stuck in the conventions of Parisian society and Gigi (Leslie Caron), an outgoing tomboy who has been educated to be a wealthy man’s mistress. As they mature, they are pressured to stick to their social conventions, but the potential of love may lead them down a different path…
Gigi | Details
- Award winner
- 9 wins including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Adapted Screenplay, 1959 Academy Awards; Best Picture (Musical), Supporting Actress (Gingold) and Director, 1959 Golden Globes
- Runtime
- 115
- Genre
- Comedy, Musical, Romance
- Country of origin