Bananas 90's comedy-horror follows a vain actor (Alex Winter), his best friend (Michael Stoyanov, Blossom), and an environmentalist (Megan Ward, Encino...
Bananas 90's comedy-horror follows a vain actor (Alex Winter), his best friend (Michael Stoyanov, Blossom), and an environmentalist (Megan Ward, Encino Man) who find themselves trapped at a mutant freak farm run by a mad scientist, played by Randy Quaid.
Co-written and directed by Winter, Freaked - which features Mr. T as a bearded woman, Keanu Reeves in an uncredited role as a dog boy, and Bobcat Goldthwait... as a sock - was plagued by production drama (seriously, read the Wikipedia page) and poor box office takings, but has since gained a cult following.
Freaked | Details
- Rating
- 15,
- Runtime
- 80
- Genre
- Comedy, Horror
- Country of origin