In this slick, LA, high-rise thriller, Ted Crawford (Hopkins in intelligent murderer mode) - a meticulous aeronautical genius and CEO...
In this slick, LA, high-rise thriller, Ted Crawford (Hopkins in intelligent murderer mode) - a meticulous aeronautical genius and CEO - coldly kills his cheating trophy wife (Davidtz). Willy Beachum (played by he of much touted promise, Ryan Gosling) is an assistant DA, prosecuting Crawford in his last stint before leaving for a big law firm. Ted has confessed and the case seems all but done with. But, the murder weapon, a gun, has never fired a bullet and when the cop on the scene (Burke) turns out to be the victims lover, Ted’s confession is tossed out. With no evidence Willy is screwed. But intent on seeing justice, Willy engages in a cat and mouse game with the murderer.
Where to watch Fracture (2007)
Fracture (2007) | Details
- Runtime
- 112
- Genre
- Drama, Thriller
- Country of origin