Cannes award-winning animated sci-fi, set on a faraway planet where blue giants rule and oppressed humanoids rebel against their leaders.
Cannes award-winning animated sci-fi, set on a faraway planet where blue giants rule and oppressed humanoids rebel against their leaders.
Fantastic Planet tells the story of “Oms”, human-like creatures, kept as domesticated pets by an alien race of blue giants called “Draags”. The story takes place on the Draags’ planet Ygam, where we follow our narrator, an Om called Terr, from infancy to adulthood. He manages to escape enslavement from a Draag learning device used to educate the savage Oms and begins to organise an Om revolt.
Where to watch Fantastic Planet
Fantastic Planet | Details
- Award winner
- Winner of the Special Award (Laloux), 1973 Cannes Film Festival
- Runtime
- 72
- Genre
- Science Fiction
- Country of origin
- France, Czechoslovakia