Fantastic Mr. Fox

87 mins
Poster for Fantastic Mr. Fox

After a string of brilliant comedies, director Wes Anderson for his fifth film turns to a stop-motion animation take on ... More

Where to watch Fantastic Mr. Fox

Fantastic Mr. Fox is now playing in 7 cinemas in... More the United Kingdom. Fantastic Mr. Fox is available to stream in the United Kingdom now on Amazon Video and Disney+ and Apple TV Store and Google TV and ITVX and YouTube and Microsoft.

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Fantastic Mr. Fox | Ratings & Reviews

"A work from one of Britain’s most loved authors finds itself in the hands of American indie auteur Wes Anderson, best known for his arch and perfectionist takes on eccentric schemers and fractured family dynamics. Couldn’t be a better match, really, for this wry and charming animated flick about a self-absorbed fox with self-esteem issues and a misunderstood son."

Flicks, Andrew HedleyFlicks

"The film's style, paradoxically both precious and rough-hewn, positions this as the season's defiantly anti-CGI toon, and its retro charms will likely appeal more strongly to grown-ups than to moppets; it's a picture for people who would rather drive a 1953 Jaguar XK 120 than a new one."


"It may not amount to much, but what to expect from a book about a thieving fox? Beautifully realised, it’s the Anderson movie that will leave you with a smile on your face."

Total FilmTotal Film

"An adventure in pure imagination that plays to the smart kid in all of us."

Rolling StoneRolling Stone

"A wonderfully imagined and executed retelling of this well-known story."

New Zealand HeraldNew Zealand Herald

"Already up for a Golden Globe for Best Animated Feature and I would bet this week’s pocket money an Oscar nod won’t be far away, this Fantastic Mr Fox is a delight from go to woah and a must see."


"Anderson has created a world as stylized and inventive as anything he's done... "Fox" is a visual delight."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"Genuinely original: a silly, hilarious and oddly profound adaptation for adult-sized children"

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine