Documentary from independent Indian filmmaker Pan Nalin (Samsara), detailing the populous religious gathering known as the Kumbh Mela. It’s a...
Documentary from independent Indian filmmaker Pan Nalin (Samsara), detailing the populous religious gathering known as the Kumbh Mela. It’s a pilgrimage that occurs every three years for 55 days, partaken by 100 million Hindus.
“Nalin's many subjects include naked holy men, taciturn policemen, desperate pilgrims in search of missing family members, a yogi ascetic who took it upon himself to raise an abandoned baby, and another who explains the usefulness of pot-smoking as a method of renouncing the world. But no single subject is more compelling — and heart-rending — than nine-year-old Kishan Tiwari, a tobacco chewing runaway who sometimes half-jokingly claims he wants to grow up to be a Mafia Don. In more serious moments, Kishan says his real ambition is to be a sadhu, or wandering monk.” (Toronto International Film Festival)
Faith Connections | Details
- Runtime
- 115
- Genre
- Documentary, Drama
- Country of origin
- India, France