One of the most famed kung fu films ever, Bruce Lee's 1973 Enter the Dragon is a series of superbly...
One of the most famed kung fu films ever, Bruce Lee's 1973 Enter the Dragon is a series of superbly staged fighting sequences with a minimum of distractions.
The film stars Lee as a martial-arts expert determined to help capture the narcotics dealer whose gang was responsible for his sister's death. His nemesis operates from a fortified island manned by a team of martial artists, who also host a kung fu competition. Lee uses his skills to enter the contest and fight his way into the dealer's headquarter.
This was Bruce Lee's final film appearance before his death on July 20, 1973.
Where to watch Enter the Dragon
Enter the Dragon | Details
- Runtime
- 110
- Genre
- Action
- Country of origin
- Hong Kong, USA