Eddie Izzard is Dr. Nina Jekyll in this British horror, a modern-day take on the classic Gothic novella by Robert...
Eddie Izzard is Dr. Nina Jekyll in this British horror, a modern-day take on the classic Gothic novella by Robert Louis Stevenson.
"Jekyll pushed the glass ceiling of the pharmaceutical industry to its limits, rubbing shoulders with the elite, becoming a household name and making herself a fortune. But her success came at a cost, and after scandal forced her out of the spotlight she now lives in seclusion with her demons. In need of an assistant, Jekyll hires ex-con Rob, straight out of rehab and trying to get back on his feet. It soon becomes clear that there are evil forces at play and Rob's wits are tested in a game of cat and mouse with the Devil in all its forms." (Official synopsis)
Where to watch Doctor Jekyll
Doctor Jekyll | Details
- Rating
- 15, strong language, bloody violence, horror
- Runtime
- 89
- Genre
- Horror
- Country of origin
- UK