Antonio Banderas stars in this Middle East tale. After years of bloody conflict, the leaders of two rival Arab kingdoms...
Antonio Banderas stars in this Middle East tale. After years of bloody conflict, the leaders of two rival Arab kingdoms reluctantly agree to end the fighting. But when oil is discovered between their territories, the war is re-ignited.
Co-starring Mark Strong (Sherlock Holmes), Freida Pinto (Slumdog Millionaire) and Tahar Rahim (The Eagle), Day of the Falcon is a tale of honour, greed, betrayal and love from director Jean-Jacques Annaud (Enemy at the Gates). As the leaders of the two rival nations threaten war, it is up to their children - young lovers who have married in hopes of bringing the families together - to find a way to end the violence and bring peace to the land.
Day of the Falcon | Details
- Runtime
- 130
- Genre
- Action, Drama, Romance
- Country of origin
- France, Italy, Qatar, Tunisia