Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

115 mins
Poster for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Ang Lee's Oscar-winning martial arts romance about the disappearance of a magical jade sword, and the quest for the missing... More

Where to watch Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is now playing in 2 cinemas... More in the United Kingdom. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is available to stream in the United Kingdom now on Amazon Video and Apple TV Store and Google TV and Now and BFI Player and YouTube and Sky Go and Chili and Microsoft.

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Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon | Details

Award winner
Best Foreign Film, Art Direction, Cinematography and Original Score; Academy Awards 2001. Audience Award winner at Toronto Film Festival 2000.
Action, Adventure, Drama, Romance
Country of origin
Taiwan, Hong Kong, USA, China

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon | Trailers