Recounts a life-long tale of violently obsessive passion that has made headlines repeatedly over the decades. Burt Pugach was an...
Recounts a life-long tale of violently obsessive passion that has made headlines repeatedly over the decades. Burt Pugach was an ambulance-chasing lawyer and a night-club owning, Cadillac-driving, Manhattan playboy. When he first set eyes on Linda Riss in 1957, he had to have her. Impressed by his ardour and status, Linda went along for the ride, but ultimately fled into the arms of a nicer, working class guy. Burt, obsessed, paid thugs to throw acid at her face, to have her blinded. The case made headlines. Burt made headlines again when, having served his sentence, he appeared on national TV and proposed to Linda. This is where the story becomes truly breathtaking. There were many more headlines to come.
Both Linda and Burt are interviewed here, as are their friends and associates and a few outside commentators who have taken a close interest over the years. [source: NZFF08]
Crazy Love | Details
- Runtime
- 92
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin