City of Life and Death is a brutal Chinese historical drama, which takes place in 1937 during the height of...
City of Life and Death is a brutal Chinese historical drama, which takes place in 1937 during the height of the Second Sino-Japanese War. The Imperial Japanese Army has just captured the then-capital of the Republic of China, Nanjing. What followed was known as the Nanking Massacre, or the Rape of Nanking, a period of several weeks wherein tens of thousands of Chinese soldiers and civilians were killed.
The film tells the story of several figures, both historical and fictional, including a Chinese soldier, a schoolteacher, a Japanese soldier, a foreign missionary, and John Rabe, a Nazi businessman who would ultimately save thousands of Chinese civilians.
Where to watch City of Life and Death
City of Life and Death | Details
- Runtime
- 131
- Genre
- Drama, War
- Country of origin
- China, Hong Kong