Producer Walt Disney's twelfth animated movie, based on the fairy tale by Charles Perrault. Follows the beautiful but put-upon Cinderella...
Producer Walt Disney's twelfth animated movie, based on the fairy tale by Charles Perrault. Follows the beautiful but put-upon Cinderella who, after being denied entry to the Royal Ball by her cruel stepmother, finds unexpected help from a Fairy Godmother.
Turning her rags into a dress with glass slippers and a pumpkin into a carriage, Cinderella's Fairy Godmother allows her to attend the ball on the condition she returns before midnight when the spell will break. There, she falls for Prince Charming, but flees the ball to avoid being exposed, losing one of her slippers in the process. The next morning, the King announces his men will visit every house in the kingdom, along with the Prince, to find the foot that fits the glass slipper.
Cinderella was Walt Disney's biggest hit since his first animated film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Its profits are said to have secured the future of his animation department.
Where to watch Cinderella (1950)
Cinderella (1950) | Details
- Award winner
- Audience Award and Golden Berlin Bear winner at Berlin Film Festival 1951. Special Prize winner at Venice Film Festival 1950.
- Runtime
- 74
- Genre
- Kids & Family, Romance
- Country of origin