Film adaptation of the play by Maurice Shadbolt follows a regiment of Kiwi soldiers in 1915 on an ill-fated offensive...
Film adaptation of the play by Maurice Shadbolt follows a regiment of Kiwi soldiers in 1915 on an ill-fated offensive to take the Turkish hill of Chunuk Bair. Stars Robert Powell (Tommy) and Kevin J. Wilson (An Angel at My Table) as soldiers with opposing views of the mission.
'Feature film Chunuk Bair dramatises an ill-fated Kiwi offensive during World War l. On 8 August 1915, the Wellington Battalion seized Chunuk Bair, a pivotal peak in the Gallipoli Peninsula. Nominated for NZ Film Awards for Best Film and the work of first-time director Dale Bradley, Chunuk Bair is an intimate portrait of a group of Kiwi soldiers on the ground, while their inept British commanders are largely off-screen...' (NZ on Screen).
Chunuk Bair | Details
- Runtime
- 102
- Genre
- True Story & Biography, War
- Country of origin
- New Zealand