French-Canadian drama examining two disparate stories of love, transitioning from 1960s Paris to modern-day Montreal. From the director of The...
French-Canadian drama examining two disparate stories of love, transitioning from 1960s Paris to modern-day Montreal. From the director of The Young Victoria.
"Set in present-day Montreal, the first story centres on Antoine (Kevin Parent), a successful DJ and divorced father of two girls who is wildly infatuated with his girlfriend Rose (Evelyne Brochu). However, he still has feelings for his ex, Carole (Hélène Florent). The second story takes place in Paris, 1969. Jacqueline (Vanessa Paradis) is the fiercely devoted single mother of Laurent, a young boy with Down's syndrome. Their days are rituals of school drop-offs, affectionate kisses and Laurent’s constant request to listen to the jazz album Café de flore. When a young girl, also with Down's syndrome, joins Laurent’s class, Jacqueline’s tightly woven world begins to fray." (Toronto International Film Festival 2011)
Where to watch Café de Flore
Café de Flore | Details
- Award winner
- Winner of Best Actress, Make-Up and Visual Effects at the 2012 Genie Awards (Canadian Academy Awards).
- Runtime
- 121
- Genre
- Drama, Romance
- Country of origin
- Canada, France