Disney and Pixar's Academy Award-winning animated adventure about Merida (voiced by Kelly McDonald), a Scottish princess who confronts tradition, destiny...
Disney and Pixar's Academy Award-winning animated adventure about Merida (voiced by Kelly McDonald), a Scottish princess who confronts tradition, destiny and the fiercest of beasties. A skilled archer and the spirited daughter of King Fergus (Billy Connolly) and Queen Elinor (Emma Thompson), Merida is determined to follow her own path.
She defies an age-old custom to marry the sons of the land’s lords: massive MacGuffin (Kevin McKidd), surly Macintosh (Craig Ferguson) and cantankerous Dingwall (Robbie Coltrane). But this inadvertently unleashes chaos and fury in the kingdom, forcing Merida to undo a beastly curse before it's too late.
Where to watch Brave
Brave | Details
- Award winner
- Best Animated Film at the Academy Awards, Golden Globes and BAFTA Awards 2013.
- Runtime
- 93
- Genre
- Adventure, Fantasy, Kids & Family
- Country of origin