Documentary from the producers of Undefeated follows a group of social outcasts who partake in the world of Seattle Semi-Pro...
Documentary from the producers of Undefeated follows a group of social outcasts who partake in the world of Seattle Semi-Pro Wrestling.
"On a fateful evening in a Seattle dive bar, Josh Kuntz and a group of social outcasts put on a faux wrestling show to a crowd of enthusiastic bartenders. With crude language and satirical monikers, the guys “beat” the pulp out of each other in a clumsy ballet, earning cheers from the crowd. That evening, the Seattle Semi-Pro Wrestlers were born. But when newcomer Paul (nicknamed The Banana) joined the SSP the dynamic shifted in a way they had not foreseen. Paul’s broody and misanthropic demeanor clashed with the carefree brotherhood. And when the Banana felt he landed on the wrong end of a joke, he plotted his revenge. But the SSP was not going to be taken down that easily." (Tribeca Film Festival)
Bodyslam: Revenge of the Banana! | Details
- Runtime
- 85
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin