Swedish drama set in the 1970s, about a young woman's dramatic childhood and her struggle to forget it. Based on...
Swedish drama set in the 1970s, about a young woman's dramatic childhood and her struggle to forget it. Based on the bestselling novel Svinalängorna by Susanna Alakoski and starring Noomi Rapace (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) opposite her husband, actor Ola Rapace. Winner of the Critics' Week Award at Venice Film Festival 2010.
A morning just before Christmas, Leena (Rapace) receives a phone call from a hospital in her hometown informing her that her mother is dying. This news takes her on a journey to meet her mum for the first time in her adult life. Having fought all her life to let go of her dark childhood, surrounded by abuse and alcoholism, she is now forced to deal with it.
Beyond (Svinalängorna) | Details
- Award winner
- Winner of the Special and International Critics' Week Award at Venice 2010.
- Runtime
- 94
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- Sweden, Finland