In this Cannes-selected drama from writer-director Mia Hansen-Løve (Things to Come), two American filmmakers reside in the island that inspired...
In this Cannes-selected drama from writer-director Mia Hansen-Løve (Things to Come), two American filmmakers reside in the island that inspired Bergman to write their separate screenplays. As their scripts progress, reality and fiction start to blur over the course of the summer. Stars Tim Roth (Pulp Fiction), Vicky Krieps (Phantom Thread), Mia Wasikowska (Stoker) and Anders Danielsen Lie (22 July).
Where to watch Bergman Island
Bergman Island | Details
- Rating
- 15, Sex scenes, offensive language & nudity
- Runtime
- 113
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- France, Mexico