In this dramedy of errors, Salma Hayek is Beatriz, a holistic medicine practitioner who attends a dinner party hosted by...
In this dramedy of errors, Salma Hayek is Beatriz, a holistic medicine practitioner who attends a dinner party hosted by a wealthy client (Connie Britton) after her car breaks down. The ensuing culture clash sees working class Beatriz go head to head with guests including a wealthy developer (John Lithgow) on issues of race and privilege. Co-stars Chloë Sevigny and Jay Duplass.
"Beatriz (Hayek), an immigrant from a poor town in Mexico, has drawn on her innate kindness to build a career as a health practitioner in Southern California. Don Strutt (John Lithgow) is a real estate developer whose cutthroat tactics have made him a self-made, self-satisfied billionaire. When these two polar opposites meet at a dinner party, their worlds collide and neither will ever be the same." (Sundance Film Festival)
Beatriz at Dinner | Details
- Runtime
- 82
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin